Letterboxd Identity Rebrand & App UI Design. App UI Design Screen Mockups. Desktop Website Mockup with textbox that reads: What is Letterboxd? Letterboxd is a global social network for grass-roots film discussion and discovery. Use it as a diary to record and share your opinion about films as you watch them, or just to keep track of films you’ve seen in the past. Showcase your favorites on your profile page. Rate, review and tag films as you add them. Find and follow your friends to see what they’re enjoying. Keep a watchlist of films you’d like to see, and create lists/collections on any given topic. We’ve been described as “like GoodReads for movies”. And Why Letterboxd? Previously, our app has been visually busy so we wanted to consolidate the information to what is most important to the user experience. Keeping the research and feedback from our users in mind, we revamped the layout of our app.First and foremost, the app is now horizontal. All users are most familar with a vertical format to their social media apps, what become an issue is that the film-watching experience becomes obscured by a vertical orientation. The vertical orientation does not allow the user to view the art in the way it was intended to be viewed. We have created a horizontal orientation to keep the film in its purest form. Users can see even stills of films in the orientation it was meant to be viewed in. The new layout also allows to users to have a more ergonomic experience. It operates on a carousel-like system. Users can swipe left and right to get to the pages they want to reach. Users can utilize all the same features and functions as before, the only ones that we decided to combine and hide into other features are the “Diary” function and the “Add a Film” feature.